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My Must-Have Apps!!

In a world where there are millions of apps, it is difficult to find the ones that tick all of the boxes in your criteria. Since I have started to discover many of the apps that are available out there, I have found the ones that I can't live without. Each of these apps has a different purpose, which makes them all so great. They help me connect with my friends, help me find things that inspire me and some help me answer questions that I wanted to know the answers to.

Since I find them so helpful and sometimes inspirational, I thought I would share them with you and maybe one day they will become your must-have apps or maybe they already are.


This app is great if you just want to look at inspirational photos. It's kind of like Tumblr... I think haha. What's great about it is that if you like a certain picture, you can 'heart' it, which basically means that you're saving it to your canvas so that you can find it again in the future, so you don't have to search for it twice.


Instagram allows me to see all the new photos that my friends, celebrities, YouTubers etc post. It is great because it lets me stay updated with everything that is going. Each and every one of the users has a different look to their profile; i.e. the theme, which means that your profile can be totally personalised, making it your own and unique.


Pinterest is one of the best apps and websites that are out there. On there you can find literally anything; from make-up tips to posts about your favourite TV shows like PLL (we FINALLY got to know who Charles is :O). If I had to pick between these six apps, Pinterest would have to be my favourite.


I was looking for an app with articles about lifestyle, beauty and stuff like that for a long time and when I discovered All Womens Talk I was so excitied. IIt includes everything that I was looking for; articles about makeup, hair, DIY, travel, boys and much more. It has articles on things that most teenage girls find interesting and want to find out more about. This is a great app for when you have a bit of spare time and want to read something interesting.


I do not know the logic behind this app and how it works but I must say that it is very impressive. It helps me to find the title of the song that is playing on the radio, which later saves me from spending ages trying to find the name of the song on YouTube or Google, which I'm sure we've all done before and we've all hated it because we could never find the song we were looking for...#struggle haha


Snapchat's main purpose is to snap your friends and I do that, but another reason why I have it is to see the stories of my favourite YouTubers such as Aspyn Ovard and Claudia Sulewski. I think it is so cool to get to know a bit more of how their lives look and some behind the scenes footage + Snapchat is constantly being updated making it easier to use and better overall... well most of the time.

So these are all of my must-have apps :) In the comments, tell me what your favourite apps are and tell me what you think of the blog so far :) Thanks :)

Also, follow me on all of my social media sites and I will try to follow you back :)

Wiki <3


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There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.


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